Monday, December 21, 2009

Break needs to come sooner

So I only have 3 more days of schoo(thank god!), but I've been so overwhelmed with soo many things mainly hw and my mom stressing out all the time, and its driving me crazy! I wish I just had this whole week off! Also, I'm not too excited about Christmas because we travel to DC area. My mom's family always finds some way to complain about something and this year will be the first Christmas without my grandfather so I just know my grandmother is going to be a wreck. I mean I don't blame her, its just I've been under so much stress with senior year I'm not sure I'll be able to handle it myself.

Next we go to my dad's family. I'm especially not excited about this. I think it was about a year ago. My dad has twin uncles, and I can't even remember what they fought about, but one nearly tried to kill the other with a golf club. And since then they haven't been speaking. Not only that, but there is also drama with one of my second cousins like marrying a pretty close family member like her cousin, now she's pregnant, and is leaving him thinking that she's going to marry her aunts brother. It is soo messed up. I can't believe I'm related to these people. My poor dad having to hear about all of this.

So that really complicates things. Every year my dad's uncle Vince has a Christmas party on Christmas night, and its usually really fun. Only there has been soo much drama half of my extended family wont be there and are having their own party the next day. I'm excited to see all of them, I just wish they could get over themselves and be able to come together for Christmas. I mean its only one day!!! Anyway, this should be and interesting and most likely drama filled Christmas. At least my dad's immediate family is sane!

So I wish all of you a happy holiday! It doesn't matter what holiday you celebrate. For everyone who just celebrated Hannukuh(sp?) hope it was great! And for everyone who like me celebrates Christmas, I hope its a nice time spent with your families and friends.


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