Monday, December 28, 2009


So my trip overall wasn't horrible... well except for christmas eve. my grandmother misplaced her wedding rings and was having a fit with everyone, shouting, accusing her cleaning ladies, threatening said cleaning ladies to call the police... ugh! I was soo mad at her and my aunt for ruining the day that I didn't want to give them their christmas presents I made!

Christmas day was much much better. Let's see if I can remember most of what I got... 2 jewelry books, jewelry supplies, a knit/crochet book, both knit and crochet pattern a day calendars, like 3 sweaters, 3 pairs of pjs, a pair of wicked warm leggings from victoria's secret, plus a shirt from there, starbucks giftcard, 2 barnes and noble giftcards, a joann gift card, umm... I think thats about it but everyone way overdid themselves! I was soo happy!

However, I'm thrilled to be home now. I missed it.


Monday, December 21, 2009

Break needs to come sooner

So I only have 3 more days of schoo(thank god!), but I've been so overwhelmed with soo many things mainly hw and my mom stressing out all the time, and its driving me crazy! I wish I just had this whole week off! Also, I'm not too excited about Christmas because we travel to DC area. My mom's family always finds some way to complain about something and this year will be the first Christmas without my grandfather so I just know my grandmother is going to be a wreck. I mean I don't blame her, its just I've been under so much stress with senior year I'm not sure I'll be able to handle it myself.

Next we go to my dad's family. I'm especially not excited about this. I think it was about a year ago. My dad has twin uncles, and I can't even remember what they fought about, but one nearly tried to kill the other with a golf club. And since then they haven't been speaking. Not only that, but there is also drama with one of my second cousins like marrying a pretty close family member like her cousin, now she's pregnant, and is leaving him thinking that she's going to marry her aunts brother. It is soo messed up. I can't believe I'm related to these people. My poor dad having to hear about all of this.

So that really complicates things. Every year my dad's uncle Vince has a Christmas party on Christmas night, and its usually really fun. Only there has been soo much drama half of my extended family wont be there and are having their own party the next day. I'm excited to see all of them, I just wish they could get over themselves and be able to come together for Christmas. I mean its only one day!!! Anyway, this should be and interesting and most likely drama filled Christmas. At least my dad's immediate family is sane!

So I wish all of you a happy holiday! It doesn't matter what holiday you celebrate. For everyone who just celebrated Hannukuh(sp?) hope it was great! And for everyone who like me celebrates Christmas, I hope its a nice time spent with your families and friends.


Friday, December 18, 2009

almost christmas!

I'm soo excited that its almost christmas! The only thing is I have to finish making a couple presents. The problem with that is that I've been sick constantly and I don't want to make the reciever of the gift sick. Its amazing how many times I've been sick recently. First I had bronchitus, then I had a really nast bacterial infection, and now I'm in the middle of getting/getting rid of a sinus infection! Overall its just been soo crazy. My gym teacher says its stress, but she was really mean yesterday so I'm not sure that I want to believe her even though I'm pretty sure she's right. It's just she made me stay after yesterday and do exercises I'm not supposed to do with my arm cause I have some overuse injury and I even have a note that says I can't do them. When I reminded her of the note she wouldn't listen and said I had to fill out this entire workout sheet arm exercises and all or else I would fail the class. Needless to say my mother is pissed and will talk to the asisstant principal today. I just hope it gets worked out and I no longer get sick.

p.s. more later

Monday, October 12, 2009


As you probably assumed from the title my cast is finally off! I'm soo happy. I mean I'm a little sore when I move my wrist and thumb but thats only because both have been immoble for weeks! Now I can finally knit fast, grasp things with my left hand, and shower w/o wearing a stupid plastic sleeve!

I am just soo relieved to finally be able to bend my thumb. The bone is not entirely healed, but its about 90% healed according to the doctor. I have to wear a brace for 4 weeks then go back to the doctor, but I least I can take off the brace if need be.

In other news, yesterday I got together with one of my best friends who is in college this year. She has a long weekend so she came to visit and challenge me in wii bowling. I won all but two games! One of the games I was half assing though, but you can't blame me because I was exhausted.

So overall things are going pretty well.


Sunday, October 4, 2009

Busy much?

I've been soo busy this weekend its crazy. Yesterday I had a rehearsal for YAGMCB. I found out my part is Lucy! I'm excited for it. The only thing is I have paragraphs and paragraphs to memorize. Then after rehearsal I went out to lunch got back home and did hw for most of the day. Not very fun but oh well!

Today I had my spanish tutor and I was supposed to volunteer at the library but I'm not feeling well. Finally, later today, I have an acting lesson to help me prep for college auditions which are creeping up on me.

Until the lesson, I've decided that I need to look for monologues, learn lines, and learn music. I am also going to knit some. Maybe watch a movie. Idk just yet. anyways off to do so.


Friday, October 2, 2009


As the title sugests, I'm am thrilled its friday. I've had a migraine all week and it has really sucked. It's on track of going away though finally. I'm grateful for that. So... I am working on making hats for charity. I'm making them for elementary aged kids who can not afford school lunch and other essentials like hats. The person organizing the charity group is also collecting mittens, but I have a broken wrist so its kinda hard to use dpns.

My cast comes off in a little over a week. not next tuesday, but the tuesday after. I'm excited for that. I'm also nervous though because I have been diagnosed with Osteo Penia with is early stages of Osteo Perosis. It's annoying because I'm only 17. However, Osteo Penia can be reversed. My mom thinks that it is caused by a hormonal inbalance. we'll see. I'm getting a ton of bloodwork done today. Only thing that really stinks is that now I have thin bones so they break easier and I fall a lot. :(.

I find out my part in my show tomorrow. I am doing You're a Good Man Charlie Brown(YAGMCB) I really hope that I get Sally because I absolutely love the part and her song My New Philosophy. Wish me luck!


Tuesday, September 29, 2009

It's time I get on top of things

Wow, it's been months since I've posted on here... I wish I had been up to date with this! Oh well new school year new start right?

So yeah I'm a senior this year!!! Only thing is its a little scary applying to colleges and stuff. I'm going into musical theatre so I have to audition to get into programs and even to get into a few schools! I can't believe I'm soo old now. 17 feels ancient now even though its not. And to think in less than 5 months I'll be 18! I'm almost an adult how exciting!!!

Well that's actually a little scary too come to think about it. I mean this will never happen but say I got in trouble with the law, I would be tried as an adult even harsher than as a kid. Like I said though that will never happen. I'm too much of a goody goody as much as I hate to admit it.

Anyways, this year is going soo great! My classes are good, I love my schedule, and my teachers are a lot of fun. Also I'm in select chorus this year! No more of those annoyances from those kids who don't care about chorus and are only taking it to get their music credit out of the way.

Well I feel really good about this school year and I will try to commit myself to updating this more often. Like at least once a month. ;)

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Junior Prom

It's almost here! My first prom ever! I am soo excited but this time I won't use an exclamation point. lol. As a 17 year old girl, I believe that prom is a right of passage. If you are a junior, it means that you are becoming a senior and that the year is almost over. (sadly that means regents and finals too...) I am going with one of my best friends Dan this year obviously as friends. Although there is a guy that I'm trying to get over on my major crush, he couldn't go with me. I'm not getting into that though.

The date of the prom you ask? Well its in two days on May 16. My dress is long and purple with a silver brooch attached to it and I have kitten heels that are also silver to where with it.

It's soo cute. Yesterday Dan ask me what color I'm wearing so that we can match! My mom said we have to buy him a corsage.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

First Time Swapper

So I'm very excited. I have now become a part of two swaps! One is a mystery ball of yarn swap and the other is just yarn swap. Both are going to be soo exciting. At first I was a little bit nervous to tell my mom that I became a part of this w/o her permission, but when I told her last night, she was really excited for me. Who knew?

One of my partners seems a little pickey, but the other one is open to like everything. Both are going to be fun though. For one of them, I have to buy yarn (which I will do tomorrow), and for the other, I'm using stash yarn. Hopefully I can start using up a lot of my stash yarn through these swaps because I have a ridiculous amount of it. For these two swaps, I am going to make two different things one of which is going to finish up a skein of yarn! I'm thrilled to finally be able to get rid of some of this stuff.

In other news, once I finish these swaps, I am going to resume some old projects. Namely my queen of hearts afghan and my swallowed by blue tanktop. Finally, I know that I haven't blogged since like two months ago. But this time I promise I will post more often. I really should be more on top of these things... Anyways, I will post more once I ship out my packages.


Sunday, March 15, 2009

New Blog

So I'm Margot and this is my new blog. I am dedicating it to crochet and linking it to Ravelry.

I'm 17 and I've been crocheting for 4 years now. I don't really have a favorite thing to make yet. I guess I still need more years on my belt before I can really have a favorite type of project. I have this problem though, I am a project hoard. I always have like 3 projects going at once if not more. Right now I have an afghan, a tank top, a rug, and a scarf going on. I have pics or 3 of the 4 which I will post. I'll do them in order.

My afghan is made up of 4 pannels and I have done 3. Here's the process of making it.

Next is the tank top which is barely finished compared to this...

Finally is the rug which according to the pattern is finished but I want to make it bigger

Hope you liked my first post!